Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

VR4_The Police System

VR4_The Police System

Q Do you believe that Fort Worth Officer Martin deserve 10 days suspension for his action? Should his supervisors or police department be liable for his actions?

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In my opinion, Officer Martin should have been fired but he was only provided 10 days of suspension which is a very small thing that can be provided to him. His actions were worse and he should have kept himself in much control to do such a thing. As a officer, Martin should have known how to handle the situation without choking the women even though it was her mistake. Even when the criminals are taken or arrested, they should not be treated violently which can harm in any way and act done by him was not acceptable. I believe by providing suspension, Martin will understand the lesson and will be more aware of his actions which will not physically harm anyone. He did not have any integrity for the victims and he was treating them worse than animals.